
Aparat de masusrare indice glezna-brat (ABPI)

Model: MEA142-AMD


• The fastest device for measuring the ankle-arm index
• The duration of the investigation does not exceed 3 minutes
• An intelligent program prevents the appearance of erroneous results even in case of ischemia or medical calcinosis
• The device detects any error and informs the patient or medical staff by an error message on the screen
• with colored cuffs so that they can be easily positioned (red cuff on the arm, and the green and yellow cuff on the right and left foot respectively)
• The results can be easily printed on paper or stored on a computer

Tipuri de măsuratori:
• Indicele glezna-brat utilizând metoda oscilometrică
• Tensiunea arterială sistolică utilizând metoda oscilometrică
• Tensiunea arterială diastolică utilizând metoda oscilometrică
• Ritmul cardiac utilizând metoda oscilometrică
• Interval presiune: 0-299 mmHg
• Interval puls: 30-199 batai/min


Date tehnice:
• Ecran mare de 4,3”, cu rezolutie de 480 x 272 pixels
• Tensiune alimentare: 100-240 V, 50-60 Hz/ 350 mA
• Tensiune iesire: 5V DC/3.0A
• Baterii reincarcabile de putere mare, lithium polimer de 2300 mAh, cu un numar maxim de 60 masuratori/ incarcare
• Greutate 600 g
Dimensiuni: 200 x 250 x 73 mm


Optional, not included in the price:
• L-size cuffs
• Trolley
• Carrying bag

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