Analizor gaze in sange si electroliti
Model: BXA103-POCTil5
- It is a new, portable and easy to use device, specially designed for critical solutions
- Technical data:
- Color LCD display with touch screen, indicator light and built-in multimedia tutorials
- Disposable cartridge with many tests, ensures safety and environmental protection, having a long cartridge life at room temperature
- Standby function without consumption and completely free maintenance
- Fast and highly accurate self-calibration
- Self-aspiration of the sample ensures comfort and reliability
- USB port for data transfer
- storage capacity of 10,000 results
- Optional data management software
- Integrarea cu LIS/HIS prin reteaua cu fire sau wireless
Varietatea cartuselor de test
– BG3: pH , pCO2 , pO2
– BG8: pH , pCO2 , pO2 , Na , K , Cl, Ca , Hct
– BC4: Na , K , Cl, Ca , Hct
– BG4: pH , pCO2 , pO2 , Lac
– BG9: pH , pCO2 , pO2 , Na , K , Cl, Ca, Glu, Hct
– BG10: pH , pCO2 , pO2 Na , K , Cl, Ca, Glu, Lac , Hct
Meniuri in dezvoltare
– BUN/Urea & Creatinina
– Teste de coagulare (ACT, APTT, PT)
– Panouri de imunotestare
Valori calculate:
– HCO 3 -act, HCO 3 -std, BE (ecf), BE (B), BB (B), ctCO 2 , sO 2 (est), Ca ++ (7.4), AnGap, tHb (est), pO 2 ( Aa), pO 2 (a / A), RI, pO 2 / FIO 2 , cH + (T), pH (T), pCO 2 (T), pO 2 (T), pO 2 (Aa) (T), pO 2 (a / A) (T), RI (T), pO 2 (T) / FIO 2
- Built-in high capacity rechargeable battery
- Weight: <4 Kg (including battery)
Small dimensions: 315 x 238 x 153 mm
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