Aparat recuperare sold si picior
Model: RIA57-30E
- For knee and hip mobilization
- It is intended for rehabilitation in order to restore joint circulation in both surgically and non-surgically treated medical conditions. therefore, it is suitable for the needs of a wide range of patients
- Software with programmable, useful and easy-to-use features for personalizing therapy and promoting comfortable, gradual and efficient recovery of joint mobility
- Made of high quality materials, to ensure greater reliability over time
- Lightweight device, only 9.5 kg
- For limbs with a length of the femur: 32-49 cm
- Aparatul poate fi programat prin telecomanda
- Unitatea afișează simboluri grafice explicite intuitive pentru a fi ușor de folosit
- Tastatura programabilă manuală concepută pentru a permite pacientului să participe activ la terapia de reabilitare
- Telecomanda conține toate tastele de programare pentru dispozitiv, precum și butoanele start & stop pentru controlul mișcării
Date tehnice:
- Alimentare: 85 – 260V, 50 – 60 Hz
- Siguranță electrică: clasa I B
- Compatibilitate electromagnetică: grupul 1 clasa
Funcții programabile:
- Knee extension flexibility: -10 ° – 120 °
- Balance movement: 7 ° – 115 °
- Speed
- Force
- Working time
- Interruption in flexion
- Warm-up
- Repeat at the limit of the extension
- Repeat at the deflection limit
- The footrest can be adjusted to allow a more comfortable positioning of the patient’s ankle
- Remote control with start & stop
- Manually programmable keyboard
- Trolley for internal use
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